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- bowties

Bow Tie Thursday by PocketSquareZ.com


Bow Tie Thursday:  What Do Pocket Squarez Have To Do With Bow Ties (@DapperFashion)

I know that you have read the title of this post and asked yourself two very important questions:

1) Why is squarez spelled wrong?  and

2) What do pocket squarez have to do with bow ties?

Well friends squarez is spelled that way on purpose, and pocket squarez has a lot to do with bow ties, especially PocketSquarez.com. Based out of the city of brotherly love, Pocket Squarez doesn’t just offer great pocket squares (and pocket rounds), they also offer a great collection bow ties.

Don’t believe us, well take a look at some of our favorites and you be the judge.





For more of their selection of bow ties, feel free to visit their site at PocketSquarez.com.
