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Trendhunter.com Compliments PocketSquareZ


Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs

Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs - The Pocket Squarez Solves Your Folding Problems (GALLERY) 1 Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs - The Pocket Squarez Solves Your Folding Problems (GALLERY) 2 Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs - The Pocket Squarez Solves Your Folding Problems (GALLERY) 3 Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs - The Pocket Squarez Solves Your Folding Problems (GALLERY) 4 Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs - The Pocket Squarez Solves Your Folding Problems (GALLERY) 5 Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs - The Pocket Squarez Solves Your Folding Problems (GALLERY) 6 Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs - The Pocket Squarez Solves Your Folding Problems (GALLERY) 7 Pre-Cut Suit Hankerchiefs - The Pocket Squarez Solves Your Folding Problems (GALLERY) 8
The concept of Pocket Squarez is a simple idea that will help to avoid the refolding of your suit square.

Available in an overwhelming amount of colors such as Sage and Sea Foam, Pocket Squarez is an easy formal solution. Pocket Squarez also offers a choice of accent colors if the style uses two different fabrics. The squares are available in different folded techniques such as Etiquette, Virtuoso, Nexus and Rhapsody. Certain pocket square styles also come in an assortment of patterns such as paisley or ombre.

The Pocket Squarez collection is perfect for men who can’t seem to keep their folds nice and creased. With an impressive amount of different folds and colors, there truly is a Pocket Squarez for everyone. As their site says, Pocket Squarez are “pocket candy for the man on the go!”